lectrolysis/Laser & Light Based Hair Removal Program
We are a Florida Medical Board/Electrolysis Council approved training facility for the 320-Hour Combined Epilator, Laser and Light-Based Training Program . We also provide an Electrolysis Council Approved 30-hour Laser & Light Based Hair Removal Course for currently licensed electrologist who were licensed under the previous Needle-Type Epilation Training Program and do not have a CME or certificate from a 30-hour laser & light based training program.
Electrolysis is a profession dedicated to making people happy. Those with the desire to have hair permanently removed from their body will specifically seek out an electrologist to do so. Our courses will equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively meet the needs of patients who suffer with excess hair. The smiles and gratitude of your patients will personally reward you and make you proud of your accomplishments and career choice.
Electrolysis is still the only permanent method of removing hair. Educated consumers are seeking permanent results. Clients who have undergone laser still need removal of light and white hairs in addition to follow up treatments as hair re-grows after laser treatments.
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